
I hope that this message finds you and your family safe in these trying times. I wanted to touch base with you regarding our coronavirus work and policies at the APSU GIS Center. The GIS Center will be continuing our work with some modifications. A portion of the Center staff will be working remotely and the office will have limited staffing. Our critical updates, including 911 work, will not be impacted. Our other services may experience some slight delays as we make adjustments with our community partners’ coronavirus policies and schedules.

Each day the news and information about coronavirus are evolving. With this in mind, the Center is here to help. Let us know how we can assist you with this ongoing disaster. As part of our work, we have put together this informational map:


If you need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Together we can overcome the coronavirus challenges.



Michael J. Wilson
GIS Director
Austin Peay State University
Fax: 931-221-7476